Sunday, October 28, 2012

How to use external sd card on Android

How to use:
1) Download switch
2) Unpack .zip file.
3) Connect your tablet with pc in usb debugging mode(Don’t select usb storage mode).
Note: If a pop-up occurs asking for drivers, update it with the following drivers: 32-Bit or 64-Bit
4) Just run ‘SDvUe.exe’ and let it do the job, at the end press enter and tablet will reboot, plug out the
Hooray! You Are done, now you are free to install any number of games and apps in your Memory Card.

1 comment:

  1. i have a problem!!
    i have a 16gb tablet. its memory seems to be devided into internal memory of 1gb and external of 12gb called usb storage!
    apps are filling the internal sow quick and i start getting insufficient storage msg although my usb 12gb is free!! the tablet also seems to get slower becouse of this! it seems like m using my ram to download apps! what can i do?
